Backyard & Garden Decor

DIY landscaping utilizing reclaimed fun stuff and tons of unique ideas for crafty minds
548 Pins
Simple DIY Fire Pit in Your Backyard - Our Home Sweet Home
Want a fire pit for your back yard? It doesn't get much simpler than this DIY fire pit!
All The Garden Sheds Of Your Wildest, Quaintest Dreams
All The Garden Sheds Of Your Wildest, Quaintest Dreams
Spray Paint Furniture to Add Color - Finding Home Farms
Add a little Spray Paint to Furniture to Add Color.. brighten up your Summer decor!
Make your Own DIY Backyard Fire Pit: Cheap Weekend Project -
DIY Backyard Fire Pit: Easy Weekend Project
7 Classic DIY Garden Walkway Ideas & Projects
7 Classic DIY Garden Walkway Projects • Tutorials and Ideas! Including, from 'this old house', a great tutorial on how to lay a classic brick path. (scheduled via
DIY Cinder Block Bench - Fab Everyday #diy What's not to love about this super cheap DIY bench that uses no nails and takes just an hour to construct? Instructions here!
Deep Caller Search
Easier than shoving it in the ground and can be put on tables for parties that last until after dark
15 Backyard Fireplace Ideas that You Need in Your Yard
What a way to warm up! Outdoor fireplaces.
Oh, the Possibilities ! Draped Hypertufa Pots
Take an old cloth soak in cement water, drape over a stand and leave in the sun to dry. Paint and you have beautiful plant holders