Places: Turkey

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Our Tiny Adventure
Turkey - Explore the World with Travel Nerd Nici, one Country at a Time.
Göreme, a fabulous ancient city in Cappadocia Turkey. #travel
Nemrut's Faces
Stone Heads, Mt. Nemrut, Turkey. Thought to be the burial tumulus and Hierotheseion (Holy Seat) of the 1st century BC Commagene king, Antiochus I Epiphanes.
World's oldest temple built to worship the dog star
Göbekli Tepe: the world’s oldest temple
Hôtels Turquie : 49 737 offres d'hôtels pas chers Turquie
The Library of Celsus, Ephesus Turkey - This ancient city is an amazing place to explore for a day.
Megalithic head from the Commagene culture, 1st century B.C., Mt. Nemrut, Turkey