Journal Ideas

571 Pins
Crazy Plant Ladies Through the Ages: Women Naturalists, Botanists, and Horticulturists Who Made History - Garden Therapy
Crazy Plant Ladies through the Ages: Women Naturalists, Botanists, and Horticulturalists Who Made History. Let's take a moment to acknowledge some of the amazing historical 'crazy plant ladies' whose love of botanicals made an impact on the way we view plants and the study of plants today. #gardentherapy #crazyplantladies #botany #horticulture #herbarium #internationalwomensday
How to paint flowers, scrolls and fancy borders for up-to-date show cards, posters, display signs and decorating : [Thompson, William Alexander], 1862- [from old catalog] : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
How to paint flowers, scrolls and fancy borders for up-to-date show cards, posters, display signs and decorating : [Thompson, William Alexander], 1862- [from old catalog] : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive