Based in TX, SALVE is an all natural and organic skin care line that's Certified Vegan - Gluten-Free - Unscented - Sensitive Skin - Pregnant Women - Babies Most of our ingredients are sustainably and ethically grown and harvested in the United States. We take pride in using the highest quality ingredients possible. NO Artificial fragrance NO Aluminum NO Petrochemicals NO Phthalates NO Propylene glycol NO Mineral oils NO Silicone NO Artificial dyes NO Sulfates NO Parabens
12 Pins
5y RECIPE #7 All Natural Toothpaste Ingredients & Supplies: 1/4 Cup Coconut Oil 5-6 TBS Baking Soda 10 drops of your favorite peppermint essential oil 10 drops of SALVE's Neem oil 3 tsp xylitol OR 1 tsp Stevia (as an optional sweeter) 1 small bowl for mixing 1 jar to store leftover RECIPE #4 Hydrating Kelp & Green Tea Face Mask and Scrub in One Ingredients & Supplies: 3 Tbs SALVE Organic Atlantic Kelp (from the Make Your Own Fresh Mask gift set) 2 Green tea tea bags 1/2 Tbs olive oil or coconut oil 1/2 Tbs apple cider vinegar (optional, but so good) 3-4 Tbs cold water 4 drops SALVE melaleuca dropper oil (optional) small bowl for mixing 1 stir stick/popsicle or chopstick RECIPE #3 Make your own Travel Disinfecting Makeup Removers/Face Wipes/Baby Wipes -- Ingredients & Supplies: 1 quart size zip lock bag 20 cloth-like paper towels, like Viva brand 6 Tbs coconut oil 1/2 C distilled water 20 drops tea tree oil 10-15 drops lavender oil small metal bowl for mixing 1 stir stick/popsicle or chopstick RECIPE #2: Mini Peppermint Lip Balm Gifts Ingredients & Supplies: 10, 1 oz tins (yields 10 gifts) 1 C sweet almond oil or sunflower seed oil 1 oz white beeswax from local craft store 10 peppermint hard candies double boiler 1 non-metal stir stick/popsicle stick/chopstick RECIPE #8 Saturday Morning Energizing Amaretto Face Mask. Ingredients & Supplies: 2 TBS SALVE's Kaolin Clay 1 TBS Coffee (room temperature) 1 TBS Cream 1/4 tsp of Almond Extract 1/4 tsp vanilla extract 1 tsp coffee grounds (used) 1 small bowl for mixing 1 spoon or stick for mixing RECIPE #5 Aromatherapy Body Mist Ingredients Supplies: 2 SALVE Essential Therapy Roll-On Vials (any combination, choose from 10 essential oils) 1/4 C unflavored vodka 1/2 C distilled water 1 small 8 oz spray/mist bottle (cleaned and disinfected) RECIPE #1 Deep Conditioning Hair Mask ngredients & Supplies for Medium-Length Hair: 1/4 small avocado (pre-mashed) or 1 TBS raw shea butter 1 TBS tap water 2 TBS olive oil 4 TBS apple cider vinegar 4 TBS SALVE’s Rhassoul Clay 1 medium non-metal bowl 1 non-metal stir stick/popsicle stick
SALVE RECIPE BOX #13 French Pink Clay Macaron Mask
SALVE RECIPE BOX #12 Bamboo Charcoal & Honey Detox Mask for Blemished Sin