Math Strategies & Activities

140 Pins
The 20+ Best Math Card Games That Are Easy To Learn | K-8
A collection of dozens of the best math card games for Kindergarten through high school, organized by math topic to help you find what you need!
A collection of math anchor charts (scheduled via
Teacher Blog Spot
Why weren't we taught to multiply this way? I never knew any of the hand multiplication tricks...I had to memorize the times tables!!
Multiplication Table project and a Halloween Freebie
Multiplication Table project and a Halloween Freebie
The Teaching Thief
The Teaching Thief - multiplication strategies ... maybe i should be teaching elementary math ...
Speed dating in the math classroom.
Speed dating (exchanging math problems) in the math classroom.
Ultimate List of Math Activities for 5th Grade & 6th Grade | Creekside Learning
Where did those digits go???
I love every single thing about this activity. It gets the kids physically involved in learning how numbers work together. This is a thing of beauty!
Math Anchor Charts
This chart will be of great use for Common Core math when students come to story problems. Great key words!
Rachel K Tutoring
You can buy math manipulatives, make them yourself, or find them around your house! Maybe you already have some, but need a few more ideas.