Border Crossings: Coming of Age in the Czech Resistance

“Border Crossings is the well-told and dramatic story of a young man whose comfortable life is abruptly transformed by the savagery of World War II. Forced to rely on primal instincts and his familiarity with the rugged highlands of Moravia, Charles Novacek casts his lot first with the anti-Hitler Underground and then with the resistance to the Nazis’ Communist successors. . ." -- Madeleine Albright, former U.S. Secretary of State
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Portada de la revista "Time" con el entonces dictador venezolano Marcos Pérez Jimenez en la misma. Febrero de 1955. / Cover of "Time" with the former Venezuelan dictator Marcos Perez Jimenez in it. February 1955.
“Meet Sandra Novacek, a suburban Detroit librarian … and resistance fighter. Yes, resistance fighter. Now, Sandra would be the first to say that she is not the hero of this story. That title would rightly belong to her late husband, Charles Novacek,...
Border Crossings by Charles Nováček | Tres Bohemes
Border Crossings by Charles Nováček | Tres Bohemes
Charles' sister Vlasta (Jakubová) was born on March 13, 1925 in Oždany, Slovakia. During World War II and the Cold War she was in the Czech resistance as a contact to her uncle, Colonel Josef Robotka.
If You Want Your Child To Survive The Future, Send Them To Art School
If You Want Your Child To Survive The Future, Send Them To Art School
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