Products I Love

11 Pins
VERY Extra Special Happy Birthday Balloons!
One dollar for each year in separate balloons. Then they pop them after cake and presents. Thinking any kid would love this as a gift!
Sanwa Supply Rolls Out Micro Projector For iPhone 4/4S | TechCrunch
Iphone projector. Watch movies and photo slides with your iphone on the wall. WHAT?!?! This almost makes me want an iPhone..
How to Keep Ice From Melting So Quickly in Your Cooler
Scoop ice cream into baking cups before the party and put in the freezer. When cake is served bring out the pre-made scoops. This is genius!
Take the Hassle Out of Recycling With These Organization Ideas
Plastic cereal container trash can for the car! Fantastic idea!
50+ Freezable Foods that Will Save You Time and Money!
Freezable Foods — yup, you can freeze all of this! HANDY
Meals for New Parents - Everyday Annie
Suggestions on what to make when you deliver meals to people.