
139 Pins
DIY Beauty Corner
Repin to save these poses for later! Give these Yoga poses a try if you are experiencing back or neck pain. These are some of my favorite poses when I am feeling sore or achy in my neck and back.
12 Body Hacks To Make Your Life Easier
To hear better push back that little flap of cartilage in your ear and lean in. | Body Hacks To Make Your Life Easier
Easy Beginner Yoga Poses for Plus Size Bodies
I started doing yoga as a way to gain physical strength and flexibility. What was interesting about this yoga journey is, I found so much more from Yoga than I ever expected. Not only does it help me keep my mobility (I suffer from chronic pain), but it taught me a lot about inner strength and self love as well as body positivity and calming my inner thoughts. Yoga is something you will find in nearly every community these days. There are large studios and even smell practices that will bri
5 Yoga Poses to Soothe Your Sciatica
5 Yoga Poses to Soothe Your Sciatica - Pin now. Reference later!