Benedict Arnold Costume Diy

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Crafting, Cooking & Cocktails - Crafting, Cooking and Cocktails by Angela Daniels - DIY Colonial-style Wig Made from Paper
Crafting, Cooking & Cocktails - Crafting, Cooking and Cocktails by Angela Daniels - DIY Colonial-style Wig Made from Paper
Colonial Costumes
Typical colonial men wore an oversized linen shirt underneath a waistcoat (vest) and a coat made of wool or linen (with wealthier men sporting coats of silk or cotton), with a pair of knee-lenght pants called breeches or knickers. They accessorized with a casual neck kerchief or formal lace jabot; leather shoes, usually black and fastened with buckles; a wig made of human or horse hair; and a hat turned up on two or three sides, with the three-sided tricorne hat being the most fashionable.
Private Site
Maybe you're a big fan of the Founding Fathers. Maybe you've got a kid who loves electricity and lights and would love to dress up a...
Made this tricorne hat for last minute George Washington costume. Used a rough idea from this site and then modified it by not adding the top of the hat and also hand sewed pieces together. Glued cotton balls to white felt and sewed that into the inside of the hat since it was too hot to wear a wig.
DIY: George Washington Hat for Kids No sewing needed(I hot glued it all)!
I totally want to make something like this when we study the Revolutionary War next year...
George Washington, and making powdered wigs
George Washington, and making powdered wigs