yard art

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Artesanato com Reciclagem para Jardim: 20 Ideias com Passo a Passos
Recycled Hubcaps • Recyclart
Recycled Hubcaps in metals art with Recycled Green Garden Flowers decor Art
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want these 5 ft Industrial Flower Garden Sculpture by SalvageArtGarden, $268.00
How to Sculpt With Chicken Wire | ehow.com
Sculpting chicken wire is a great way to add fun decor to your yard! Make a dragonfly sculpture out of chicken wire for a decorative garden accent. A dragonfly is relatively easy and inexpensive to make, and it can be "accessorized" in any color palette you choose. Install it by a pond, pool or aquatic garden for extra charm. DIY instructions here: http://www.ehow.com/how_5635113_sculpt-chicken-wire.html?utm_source=pinterest.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=inline&utm_campaign=fanpage