Jeanie Miley

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Spiritual Disciplines: Obligation or Opportunity?
Spiritual disciplines affect both the inner and outer life. The inner disciplines include prayer and meditation, fasting, Bible study and devotional reading, silence and solitude, and the practice of taking a moral inventory. The outer disciplines include worship and praise, fellowship, missions, ministry, service, and the giving of one’s resources. These disciplines help deepen a believer’s faith and increase his or her intimacy with Christ. In Spiritual Disciplines: Obligation or Opportunit...
The Spiritual Art of Creative Silence
Leave the noise and frenzy behind. Journey to the silent places of God's heart. Jeanie Miley has discovered a way to avoid the trap of living from crisis to crisis. The person who depends on God leads a balanced life. Miley offers skills to develop such dependence and intimacy with God. Workable guidelines and exercises help readers broaden devotional lives and overcome barriers to deeper spirituality.
Becoming Fire
Becoming Fire invites the reader to engage in the age-old practice of listening to stories to activate our creative imagination. Thirty-three meditations arranged for daily reading would enhance the prayer and Bible study of people who are seeking a personal, vital love relationship with Jesus Christ. | The Largest Online Store for Cool Posters, Affordable Wall Art Prints & Framed Canvas Paintings on Sale
The Rich Young Ruler, Mark 10:17-27
Fierce Love
Fierce Love isn’t about the quest for love. It is about waking up to the love that is at our essence. Readers who accompany Miley on this journey will find themselves, like her, changed, humbled, and inspired as they explore what it means to respond to God’s commandments to love—authentically, fearlessly, deeply, fiercely.
It’s so simple, this Way of following Jesus. While simple doesn’t mean “easy,” it is a path worth following and a challenge worth pursuing, especially if we let the Spirit of the Living Christ lead us, one step at a time, one day at a time. That’s not easy, either.
Dance Lessons
For years, Jeanie Miley followed God by practicing spiritual disciplines and experienced enormous benefit from incorporating those practices in her daily life. In Dance Lessons: Moving to the Beat of God’s Heart, Miley suggests that instead of seeing a relationship with God as a duty to be fulfilled or a defense against trouble, what might happen if we see that relationship as alive and deep, life-giving and intimate? What if we see our relationship with God as a dance?
Joint Venture
Joint Venture is a sensitive and honest memoir of a woman’s response to the call of her inner authentic self to be set free, not as an egotistical venture, but as a sacred responsibility and a partnership effort with God. Reading Jeanie Miley’s experience of her search encourages me to continue on my own “joint venture” with God—with an inspiring sense of the companionship of a sister in Christ on a similar pilgrimage.
Joining Forces
In Joining Forces, Jeanie Miley explains that our deeply ingrained gender expectations have created an imbalance in our emotional and spiritual lives and have kept us from becoming our most authentic selves. Joining Forces will help readers discover the masculine and feminine characteristics that connect, unite, and restore us—traits that men and women alike can and do express. By joining our masculine and feminine strengths, we restore our own souls, our creative energies, and our own true, ...
Sitting Strong
Sitting Strong: Wrestling with the Ornery God, by bestselling author Jeanie Miley, suggests that when life knocks the props out from under you, it is possible to gather up your agony and wrestle with it in the presence of the God who may feel strangely absent. This book is not about being strong. Rather, taking the struggles and triumphs of Job as its guide, this book is about that terrible time when all you can do is stumble onto the ash heap of suffering and simply sit.
ChristHeart is a book of meditations based on thirty-four (34) events or teachings from the life of Jesus Christ. The reader is invited to enter more fully into the life of the human Jesus and to identify with the feelings and thoughts of Christ as he carried out his earthly ministry.
Ancient Psalms for Contemporary Pilgrims
Because it is sometimes challenging for today's Christians to move from the frenetic pace and noisy world of today's society and enter into the silence and stillness of contemplative praying, Jeanie Miley provides a way of using the psalms as a doorway into prayer.