Motivation for Change

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We also need to stop and listen to each other every once in a while.
Christianity's faith-based freakout: Why atheism makes believers so uncomfortable
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge.” Stephen Hawking
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This is so incredibly and wonderfully true. If you live your life by this statement, no one will forget you and you will leave a legacy of love. That's the kind of legacy that I want to leave.
Spotlight on Speech Codes 2015
FIRE Presents: Spotlight on Speech Codes 2015. Something disturbing is happening on college campuses.
College prof makes students recite anti-American 'pledge of allegiance'
College prof makes students recite anti-American 'pledge of allegiance'
15 Inspirational Quotes To Get You Through The Week
Dare to do what scares you
Rabbi Marvin Hier - Simon Weisenthal Center / Museum of Tolerance
"Keep your coins. I want Change"