Learning disabilities

89 Pins
Mothers with ADHD: Parenting Stories from Women
Parenting Guide for ADHD Moms: Discipline, Organization, Housework - Collection of articles and a podcast for and about women
ADHD Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Adult ADHD Article: 6 ways to manage the chaos and clutter in your life when you have adult #ADHD http://www.healthcentral.com/adhd/cf/slideshows/6-ways-manage-clutter-adult-adhd?ap=2012 #adultADHD #organization
9 Ways ADHD May Strain Relationships
ADHD marriage expert Melissa Orlov explains the 9 ways symptoms can cause marriage or dating issues -- and offers advice on how couples can cope with adult ADD symptoms and treatments.
AOTA's CommunOT - An Online Community for Occupational Therapy
Three apps to assist clients with executive function.
Why a Retained Spinal Galant Primitive Reflex is Mistaken for ADHD - Integrated Learning Strategies
Primitive Reflexes: Why a Retained Spinal Galant Reflex is Mistaken for ADHD | ilslearningcorner.com
How does a child with executive function challenges think differently?
Executive Functioning Disorder and the Brain | Thinking Differently - Understood
Adult ADHD: Am I Just Lazy? Um, no.
Have ADHD? You're NOT lazy. You are NOT stupid or crazy. Promise. "People with ADHD make decisions based on different criteria than importance and consequences. Interest, Challenge, Novelty, and Urgency are how WE get things done.
Headstrong Nation: Inside the Hidden World of Dyslexia & ADHD
This is was very moving to me. It is a powerful reminder on the benefit of finding a community and mentor for our dyslexic and ADHD kiddos. Grab a tissue! Headstrong Nation: Inside the Hidden World of Dyslexia & ADHD - YouTube
The Adult Side of Dyslexia
"Schools are forgetting that children with dyslexia grow up to be adults with dyslexia," Dr. Kelli Sandman-Hurley. "It's never, ever, too late to learn."
Dyslexia and the School
Dyslexia and the School by Dr. Kelli Sandman-Hurley - DyslexiaTrainingInstitute.org
20 Things Only Parents Of Children With Dyslexia Would Understand - LifeHack
Parents of children with dyslexia want you to know the following...
"Here’s what the movie does brilliantly: It shows a bunch of feelings working together to operate a control panel inside the girl’s head. It’s not a perfect analogy for executive functions, but it’s pretty darn close!"
Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism, Dyscalculia... It's just neuro-diversity.
The Old Schoolhouse Magazine - 2014 Annual Print Book - page87
The Old Schoolhouse Magazine - 2014 Annual Print Book - Page 84
Like a Personal Trainer for Your Brain
Mobile Apps for ADHD Brains! Brain support for the overly active brain. http://www.brainhealthcompany.com