Walt Disney World

One of the most famous and fun places to go in the world.
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33 Photos to Inspire You to Visit Walt Disney World at Christmas - Jen Elizabeth's Journals
33 Photos to Inspire You to Visit Walt Disney World at Christmas
Jungle Tours
Jungle Cruise - It's a slow moving ride with some corny jokes, but it's my favorite ride.
Mouse Ears
Mad respect for this ride after I saw a presentation of the updates to this ride on youtube!
Magic Kingdom: Pirates of the Caribbean
This is Disneyland Pirates of the Caribbean. There we're some real human bones in the ride but they took the real human bones out of the ride. But there were whispers that there were still some real human bones in the ride. And some ppl think the ride it self is haunted.
Walt Disney World - Magic Kingdom - Splash Mountain
Finding Hidden Mickeys in Tomorrowland | Magic Kingdom
Finding Hidden Mickeys in Tomorrowland | Magic Kingdom
Saturday Stroll around Frontierland | Magic Kingdom
Saturday Stroll around Frontierland | Magic Kingdom
Hall of Presidents with President Obama | Magic Kingdom
Hall of Presidents with President Obama | Magic Kingdom