Tetra® Pond

Tetra® Pond: The water garden experts — Get inspirational ideas for your backyard pond or watergarden.
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Save on Tetra® Pond Food
Spring pond care tip: Be sure to feed your fish wheat-germ-based pond food developed especially for a Spring diet. Use only when temperatures are below 50 degrees F, but above 39.
Beauty the Best Ponds
Susan Simeca—Early summer last year, pond is just getting started with plants. By end of summer surface will be covered with water lettuce and I'll be throwing the extra ones away. Water lilys haven't started yet. ^ large Comet goldfish live here all year. Spawned and now we have young fish too. Love our pond. So easy to care for with little bending involved.
Beauty the Best Ponds
Steve Jasse—The pond has volume of about 8,500 gallons. It has an average depth of 3.5 to 4 feet. It is a dog-leg left configuration. The water fall is full of bio ribbon... and holds about 500 gallons. There are approximately 25 large Koi, both standard and Butterfly. The pond is almost 8 years in operation.
Beauty the Best Ponds
Congratulations to Steve Jasse for being our April 2018 “Beauty and the Best” winner!
Beauty the Best Ponds
Congratulations to Matthew Klarich, our September 2013 Beauty and the Best Photo Contest winner!
Beauty the Best Ponds
After many years, I've finally purchased a Lotus. Can't wait to see it in bloom.
Beauty the Best Ponds
Fall pond care tip: Check your pond’s pH levels! Get it right before winter settles in. Photo: Sharon Brown #‎pondtips‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ #fallpondcare #pondcaretips‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ #tetrapond #pondcaretips‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ #tetrapon
Tetra® Pond Fountain sets
Why settle for just one kind of pond fountain this pond season? Fountain Kits from Tetra® Pond comes with three fountain heads: frothy, spray and bell pattern. #tetrapond #pondfountain #pondcaretips
Beauty the Best Ponds
Debra DeDominico tells us her lovely pond was already there when they moved, but the best improvement made was the installation of a filter! They have about 30 beautiful koi that are descendants of their neighbor’s pond. Given to Debra as koi fry, they matured in their pond home. Being in Arizona, this pond runs year round without winterization. The lily pads die back on their own, and the koi rest at the bottom. In the spring, everything comes alive. This is certainly an oasis in the desert!