The Book of Threes

I collect concepts in threes at, new site in WordPress at
207 Pins
Cyber Monday
333 Three: The spiritual meaning of number Three deals with magic, intuition, union, birth of something new, advantage. The number Three invokes expression, versatility, the pure joy of creativity. Three is also a time identifier as it represents Past, Present and Future. Consecutive Threes in your life may symbolize the need to express yourself creatively, the present path in relation to past events/ future goals. Threes indicate assistance through community/ communion.
Block Number 3
Block Number 3 by Leo Reynolds, via Flickr
Everything Happens in Threes #officeequipment #householdappliances #thepowerofthree
Serious Whimsy: Everything Happens in Threes -- Three is a number with a storied past. Three can be a blessing or a curse. Take The Holy Bible for example. If numerical values do not reach forty, they come in threes. (That is significant, I’m sure
plenty of colour
Possible Idea for Physical type at Conference (Each attendee gets to put a pin in? Similar to AIGA Leaving your shape idea)
Perth Festival - 3 DAYS TO GO! #perthfest | Facebook