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How accurate would science be if we decided to ignore things just becuase they weren't especially ab
4 Myths about Intersex
4 Myths about Intersex • Intersex means transgender • Intersex people are born with both vaginas and penises • Intersex is a rare condition • Intersex should be surgically corrected
Let me stop you right there, bro. Sex was always already gender. You've been #Butlered.  In Gender Trouble, Judith Butler argues that sex is not a “cause,” but an effect (p. 32). She writes, “Sex was always already gender,” and “the production of sex as the prediscursive ought to be understood as the effect of the apparatus of cultural construction designated by gender" (p. 9-10). Film Posters, Writing, To Be Understood, You've Been, Let Me, Let It Be, Movie Posters
Let me stop you right there, bro. Sex was always already gender. You've been #Butlered. In Gender Trouble, Judith Butler argues that sex is not a “cause,” but an effect (p. 32). She writes, “Sex was always already gender,” and “the production of sex as the prediscursive ought to be understood as the effect of the apparatus of cultural construction designated by gender" (p. 9-10).
an orange and white poster with arrows pointing to different types of sexualism in the world
The Spectrum - Our sexuality and gender identity aren't set in stone. In fact, people's identities can be fluid. The Spectrum can help you visualize how you feel at any given time. Mark how you identify today on each line, but don't feel limited. It's ok to mark something different tomorrow! Source:
there is no such thing as a male or female brain
"There's no such thing as a 'male' or 'female' brain. A 2015 study found that most brains are 'mosaics' of features that don't neatly represent a single sex." Source: Science Magazine, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
a cartoon character holding a clipboard with the caption stop non - conventional normal and general mutilations on interrex monitors?
"Stop non-consensual hormonal and genital mutilations on intersex minors?! You're not serious! Then parents and peers would have to accept those children as they are..." Follow this link to find a short documentary and analysis which explores sex as a spectrum: Artist: Sophie Labelle (
an alien with words written on it
Both: An Intersex Story
I don't have a gender. I mean scientifically we'd have thousands, but it's impossible to tell, some of us can bear children more easily than others. Some of us are created with more muscle mass. Our sexual organs vary in size and effectiveness. Some of us have more estrogen... [Click on this image to find a video and analysis exploring when people are labeled intersex and what happens when parents and doctors subject children to surgery in an effort to make them conform to the sex binary]
What Is Intersex?  The term "intersex" is used to describe an individual whose chromosomes, hormones, or sexual organs are not in line with the perceived male/female sex binary.  Follow this link to find a short documentary and analysis which explores sex as a spectrum: Parental Consent, Lgbt Equality, Lgbt Love, Gay Pride, Educational Resources
What Is Intersex? The term "intersex" is used to describe an individual whose chromosomes, hormones, or sexual organs are not in line with the perceived male/female sex binary. Follow this link to find a short documentary and analysis which explores sex as a spectrum:
a ruler with the words phall - o - meter on it
Actual scale: The above are actual current medical standards. Challenging these arbitrary standards, ISNA works to create a world free of shame, secrecy, and unwanted genital plastic surgery for children born with mixed sex anatomy. Follow this link to find a short but a compelling film, based on the experiences of many intersex adults: Source: Intersex Society of North America
a poster that says it is for intersex
XX/XY - A Short Documentary about Intersex
I is for Intersex A person who is intersex is someone who is biologically neither one hundred percent male or female. This may be because they have a mixture of male and female genitalia, or ambiguous genitalia, or it may be that they have an unusual combination of chromosomes... [click on this image to find a short clip and analysis of intersex identities and the consequences of a rigid binary]