
943 Pins
Took a 6-hour nap today. Which some people call "a good night's sleep." But it was daylight. It was a nap.
Took a 6-hour nap today. Which some people call 'a good night's sleep.' But it was daylight. It was a nap.
Vodka humor!! www.LiquorList.com "The Marketplace for Adults with Taste" @LiquorListcom #LiquorList
LOL !!! i can think of one person in particular who thinks she is better than everyone else. Sorry to be the barer of bad news woman but slaving your ass off over sick people for stupidly long hours does not make you better than everyone else. Im a mother AND i work. Ps- thanks for your tax dollars..we really DO enjoy living off of centrelink together lol
How many times I gotta tell you... DINNER'S READY!!!
Why is this so funny?!
FrohUndFrau - Design, living and home
I was in a relationship with someone who made fun of me for listening to her music.....now I listen to it whenever I feel like it :)
A true friend: "You look dehydrated! Quick, drink some of my vodka!"
A true friend: 'You look dehydrated! Quick, drink some of my vodka!'
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
Hey, I just bit you… Okay, okay, I'm not laughing over rabies - just how they put the words to the tune Call Me Maybe!