The Celts

Images of Celtic culture
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Celtic stone head from southwestern England, The Celts regarded the...
Celtic stone head from southwestern England, The Celts regarded the head as the centre of spiritual power and attributed a protective function to representations of human heads in their art. Britain. Celtic.
Celtic Limestone Head of a Man wearing a cap or helmet c.2nd/3rd Century BC British Height: 24.1 cm
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HALLSTATT CULTURE ORNAMENT 10TH-6TH BCE A horse on an ornamental bronze axe from Hallstatt, Austria. Length: 5.2 cm Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria
Newgrange, Ireland
Newgrange in Ireland. It's an ancient (older than Stonehenge!) monument that is lit by the sun only on the winter equinox.
Chaudron de Gundestrup, fond circulaire. Les Gaulois, une expo renversante, 2012, galvanoplastie de Bibracte.
Neolithic Burial Mound Uncovered Near Stonehenge
Neolithic Burial Mound Uncovered Near Stonehenge
Bog Bodies !
Highly acidic water, cold temperature and lack of oxygen are responsible for severely tanned, preserved bog bodies found in Sphagnum bogs in Ireland,Great Britain and Northern Europe. The earliest bog body is that of a Koelbjerg woman dating back to 3500BC!
An Ancient British Limestone Celtic Pagan Male Head
An Ancient British Limestone Celtic Pagan Male Head (British). Provenance: Found in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. cf: illus. 33b, Pagan Celtic Britain, Anne Ross, shows a head in relief on a stone roundel from Wallsend, Northumberland with a similar hairstyle
The Coggalbeg Hoard: The Roscommon lunula
The Coggalbeg Hoard In March 1945 when a Roscommon farmer, Mr Hubert Lannon, was cutting turf on his bog in the west of Ireland. As he sliced through the dark peaty soil a flash of gold suddenly caught his eye. Bending down for a closer inspection he slowly uncovered a hoard of golden treasure. It consisted of a beautiful gold lunula and two gold discs, which had lain hidden in the depths of the bog for over 4,000 years -
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Gallic civilization. Limestone statue of deity. From Mont-Saint-Jean. Artwork-location: Saint-Germain-En-Laye, Musée Des Antiquités Nationales (Archaeological And Middle Age Museum)
Hilt of a Romano-British Sword, La Tene 1st Century AD. From Hold Hill, England. British Museum
Celtic - La Tene Culture, 1st century BC.