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This time in english😅🙈 For my new followers😆🎉😘 Where are you from? 💛🩵❤️🩷💜🧡💚 Small craft and gift idea for Mother’s Day or any other nice occasion🤭 🌼🌺🌸🌼🌺🌸🌼🌺🌸 You can download the coloring templates with instructions (in English and German) via the link in my profile😘 Colors: @desdaverlag 🌈🤗 Have a wonderful day everyone😘☀️ @binebraendle #binebrändle #download #template #crafting #giftidea #coloring #mothersday #diy #popupcard #bouquetofflowers #flowers
How To Create A Marble Effect On The Gelli® Plate
Create a marble effect on the gel plate. Crumple (tissue) paper, a plastic bag, or baking paper and place it on the printing plate to pick up some of the paint. Gelli Arts® artist Birgit Koopsen prefers to use baking paper, as it picks up less paint from the plate which makes the texture softer. For an extra luxurious feel, she uses gold paint as a pickup layer. Steps: Roll out 2-3 colors of acrylic paint on the plate. Crumple your paper. Place the paper on top of the wet paint and lightly push it down. Remove the paper and let the paint dry. Add a thin layer of paint on top. Place paper on top while the paint is still wet and rub. Let everything dry for a few minutes, then pull the print. #gelliarts #gelplate #gelprintingkit #printingplate #monoprinting #printmaking #gelliplate
Handmade Greeting Card with Gelli Prints and Stamps
Use gel printed paper scraps combined with mark making stamps to create beautiful cards. Materials: • Gelli Prints or any other design papers • Glue • Clearstamps or Rubberstamps • Stamp pads • Card base
Easy double pocket from a book page for your journal
Difficulty: Easy supplies • book page • glue • ephemera junkjournal #junkjournals • #junkjournaling #junkjournallove • #junkjournalpages #junkjournalspread • #junkjournalideas #junkjournalinspiration • #junkjournaljunkies #junkjournaladdict • #junkjournalsupplies #junkjournalpockets • #commonplacebook #commonplacejournal • #junkjournalembellishments • #junkjournalsofinstagram #journal #journals • #journaling #journalpage #journalspread • #digitalkit #journalideas #journalinspiration • #journaljunkie #journaladdict #journalsupplies • #journalembellishments • #handmadejunkjournals #handmadejournal
Isopropyl alcohol for textured layers in a silicone mat monoprint
Another silicone mat as substitute for a gel plate experiment, and, yeah, more fun texture for #My100CollagePapers Day 66. #collagepaper #artexperiment #alternativeartsupplies #siliconemat #isopropylalcohol #monoprinting #LiquitexBasics #creativityeveryday #The100DayProject