Science Fiction Books I need to read

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Here Are All the Must-Read Science Fiction and Fantasy Books Arriving in July
We’re well into summer now, but there’s still plenty of time to add a book or eight to your reading list. And you’ll want to, after checking out all the amazing-sounding science fiction and fantasy titles coming in July—including several short story collections and the authorial debut of actor Wesley Snipes.
BookBub Blog - The book lover's inside source for news, tips, & deals
Check out this great book list recommended by librarians, including great fiction books, thriller books, history books, popular book club books, and more.
10 Books For Adults That Are Just As Magical As The Harry Potter Series
Growing up with the Harry Potter series was a magical thing. So much so that many of us are already planning on reading them to our own kids, because everyone deserves that experience. But when you grow up with a series of books as amazingly life-cha
A Healer Starts to Realize Her True Power in This Excerpt From Speculative Fiction Debut The City of Brass
S.A. Chakraborty’s debut fantasy novel, The City of Brass, isn’t out until November, but we have a sneak peek at the first chapter, as well as insight from the author about the magical world she created. It begins in 18th century Cairo, and follows a con artist who realizes her true powers after a mysterious encounter.
Stay Out of the Cold, Curl Up with December's Best Scifi and Fantasy Books Instead
16 Must-Read Science Fiction and Fantasy Books for November
It’s November already. How the hell did that happen? Best hope you’re caught up on your October reading, because November boasts a bumper crop of excellent science fiction and fantasy books, from new authors, rising stars, and even a couple of legends.