3D Virtual Tabletop

Info and updates about www.3dtt.com, a 3D Virtual Tabletop for role playing games like Pathfinder and Dungeons & Dragons on the web, iPad, iPhone & Android.
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Little People in 3D Virtual Tabletop
The upcoming cut-out miniatures in 3DVTT are looking great, especially when representing figures of smaller stature. You can really appreciate the size difference when facing up against human-sized or similar creatures. The smaller figures are from Battle! Studio.
Special Thumbnails for Cut-Out Miniatures in 3D Virtual Tabletop
As part of adding cut-out miniature standups to 3DVTT, I’ve made their thumbnails cut-out too. When you’re in the screen where you select a mini to add to the tabletop, it shows the cut-out shape, if you set one up when adding the miniature to your collection.
Miniatures with Complex Cut-Outs in 3D Virtual Tabletop Online
New Preview When Adding Miniatures to 3D Virtual Tabletop
As part of the work for cut-out miniatures for 3D Virtual Tabletop, I’m also improving the experience when adding miniature that will appear as a full card. As you toggle between importing as a cut-out, or full card, the preview image adjusts accordingly. The full image is still visible, albeit somewhat dimmed, so that you can still see what it looks like when the mini is flat, or viewing from top-down.
Preview of Cut-Out Standup Miniatures on the Tabletop in 3D Virtual Tabletop
The next stage of getting cut-out standups to work is here. I’ve got them appearing on the tabletop. I think it really adds a coolness factor to the miniatures. Each one is more individually identifiable now that they have different outlines, and you can also see more of the surrounding map and other minis. There are still a few more things to complete before this feature becomes publicly available.
Starting Work on Cut-Out Standup Miniatures in 3D Virtual Tabletop Online
Simpler Screen for Adding Your Own Maps to 3DVTT
There’s now a much simpler screen for importing your own maps into 3DVTT. You can get your own maps set up and ready to play in seconds.
The 2d20 System is now Supported by the 3D Virtual Tabletop Dice Roller
2d20 is a cinematic action oriented system used by Modiphius Entertainmet in the Mutant Chronicles 3rd Edition, Infinity, Robert E. Howard’s Conan and John Carter Warlord of Mars rpgs. The dice roller in the chat can now display the resulting dice rolls individually for counting successes for the 2d20 system.
Deleting Maps and Miniatures is now Easier in 3D Virtual Tabletop — 3D Virtual Tabletop - role playing table online & on iPad, iPhone, & Android
Deleting a map in 3D Virtual Tabletop Online
Flat miniature tokens now available in 3DVTT.
Easier Map Importing in 3D Virtual Tabletop Online — 3D Virtual Tabletop - role playing table online & on iPad, iPhone, Android & Kindle Fire
Working with 3D Terrain in 3D Virtual Tabletop
Working with 3D terrain made easy in 3D Virtual Tabletop.
3D Virtual Tabletop Online - Teaser Trailer
The new version of 3D Virtual Tabletop on the web in your browser on PC, Mac, and iPad.
3D Virtual Tabletop Coming to the Desktop with 3D Miniatures — 3D Virtual Tabletop - role playing table online & on iPad, iPhone, & Android
3D minis & hand drawn maps in the next version of 3D Virtual Tabletop
“Remove All Miniatures” Button Now in 3D Virtual Tabletop — 3D Virtual Tabletop - role playing table online & on iPad, iPhone, & Android
The new "Remove All Miniatures" button in 3D Virtual Tabletop