Easie Peasie

124 Pins
Blue yellow flower painting IG: VISUALIN_LIN
#flowerartwork #floralart #blueaesthetic #blueblack #pumpkinspice #pastelcolor #Acrylicpainting #artforsale #diyhomedecor #paintwithme #artturorial #fluidpainting #acrylicpour #newartistalert #peacockart #artforsale #artforsalebyartist
Faça Você Mesmo
Sabe aquela calça jeans velha que você não usa mais? Veja como ela pode ser útil. Clique na imagem e confira nossa série de DIY!
55 Ideias de Artesanato com Jeans Para Fazer em Casa - Revista Artesanato
63 Ideias de Artesanato com Jeans Para Fazer em Casa | Revista Artesanato
Kitchen Redo #2: Black Cupboards & Some Extras
A good place for wine! I hate the blank end of the cabinet!
Garden Craft: Recycled Bottle Birdfeeder | Centsational Style
empty plastic liter bottle & A few supplies from the craft and hardware store... and... How to Make a Birdfeeder out of a Recycled Liter Bottle Supplies: 2 6” wood disks and 1 wood ball finial from a craft store; 2 standard Ball jar lids; 1 threaded crown bolt; 2 nuts; spray paint, eye hook. Tools: Power screwdriver, sharp shears or scissors; hole punch; ha
Easy DIY Cork Coasters
Cork Coasters: Great for glasses OR Wine Bottles Cut the corks into shorter sizes using a sharp kitchen knife. Then glue corks in a circular shape. Finish with a ribbon and hot glue the bottom of the coaster to cork shelf paper. This is optional but will help to hold it together better and give it a smooth surface on the bottom.