Craft fair displays

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Ladder display - there's a lot of product fit into this space but it all works together because of the limited color scheme. If there were 5 different colors in this space, it would look messy and cluttered.
Αγόρασε μερικές παλιές βρώμικες σκάλες για το σαλόνι του. Μόλις δείτε τι τις έκανε θα του κλέψετε την ιδέα!
diy upcycle ladder shelf
Displays from Plumbing and PVC Pipe
Vintage Show Off: Displays from Plumbing and PVC Pipe
Are PVC Decorator Colors a Need?
Grey PVC Pipe Scarf Rack-- this would be great if I could hook it up on the back of a closet door