World Cup Soccer Camps & Clinics by Ruedi Graf

World Cup Soccer Camps And Soccer Clinics
Tip from the coach - Dribble. Learn to dribble forward, backwards, front and back—this is your most important skill. Do not just “kick” the ball, take it with you; carry it until it is time to pass. Learn more:
World Cup Soccer Camps And Soccer Clinics
Be willing to try new things. If you are new to soccer, it will all be new. If you are not new, let your coaches push you past your comfort zone—try something new. Who knows, you might find you are good at it. Sign up for Soccer Summer Camps
World Cup Soccer Camps And Soccer Clinics
This #summer transform your child's personality - enroll them into soccer camps. You will see an overall development:)
World Cup Soccer Camps And Soccer Clinics
Nueva Camp will run Aug 1-5
World Cup Soccer Camps And Soccer Clinics
Tough draw for the US!
World Cup Soccer Camps And Soccer Clinics
Skill Clinic Warm-up at Barron Park Elementary School in Palo Alto #personalsoccertraining #afterschoolclasses #soccercamps #worldcupsoccercamps #worldcupsoccer #nike
Hoover Elementary After-School-Skill Class with Coach Alex! ‪#‎herberthoooverelementaryschoolpaloalto‬#worldcup#worldcupsoccer#nike
After-School Soccer Class
After-School Soccer Class at Barron Park ES in Palo Alto.
We already posted 546 camps for 2016! And we are still in the process of adding more sites. :)
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