Childhood Memories from My Childrens Childhoods

72 Pins
My Mom’s Original Gangster Parenting Hacks Would Never Fly Today
My kids are coddled like every other child on the planet. They get participation trophies. They have gigantic water bottles so that they won’t ever dehydrate. They get stickers at Target for being in the cart, even though their behavior is so deplorable I often threaten to leave a few behind. That is the way …
35 Phoebe Buffay Songs From Friends
@Sawyer Poitra @Lindsey Carter 35 Phoebe Buffay Songs From Friends
I'm Remembering!
Skinnamarinky dinky dink, skinnamarinky doo. I love youuuuuu. Sharon, Lois, & Bram!
Are You Prepared for the Intense Journey of a Midwest Goodbye? Understanding the 9 Stages
If you don't say goodbye for an hour, you're doing it wrong.
Unpacking 'The Wreck of the Hesperus'
Unpacking 'The Wreck of the Hesperus' - The Wild Geese
21 Things Parents Used to Say That Would Shock Millennial Parents
21 Things Parents Used to Say That Would Shock Millennial Parents
12 Things You Just Don’t See in Schools Anymore… Number 10 Especially!
12 Things You Just Don’t See in Schools Anymore… Number 10 Especially!
Amidst of the Rubble of Bedrock City
flinstones -- bedrock cities --- from long ago