
11 Pins
Homemade Taco Seasoning Mix
Here’s what I actually use for mine: Taco Mix 1/3 c. minced onion 2 T. Dried minced garlic 1/4 c. chili powder 1 T. Cumin 1 T. coriander 1 T. paprika 4 t. sugar 3 t. salt 1/8 t. pepper 1/4 t.…
ほんとに長持ち☆生姜の保存方法 by うまうまスマイル
生姜ってよく冷蔵庫の中で干からびて可哀想になっていませんか?この保存方法は目からウロコ!新鮮なまま驚くほど長持ちします。 2007.9.16話題入りしました♪試してくださったみなさんのお陰ですo^0^o
How to Make Easy Strawberry Jam (No Pectin)
Easy Strawberry Jam (No Pectin). #strawberry #jam ❤️
How to Prevent Apple & Pear Slices from Browning
.Personally, my favorite soaking options are #1, 7 and 8. And the Soda option...simply not even on the radar of options!
Freezing buttermilk or heavy cream cubes for cooking. I never use a whole carton nor do I have in stock when a recipe calls for a bit! This is genius!
The Intersection of Design & Motherhood | Top Lifestyle Blog | Design Mom
How to Properly Freeze Fruits & Veggies. 11 Secrets! | Design Mom
How To: Freezing Avocados - Avocado Love
How to FREEZE Avacados! I never knew, this will definitely come in handy. I love avacados and would buy more of them but I'm sure most would go bad before I used them up.
Freeze avocados once theyre ripe! Great for when they go on sale, or when you need an avocado and theyre all too firm at the store. They keep for MONTHS this way! Who knew? - Click for Recipe